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Hi, I'm Tung.

I'm an assistant professor at Chiba Laboratory, the Department of Creative Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo (UTokyo).

My works are at the intersection of Digital Fabrication, Soft Robotics, and Human-Computer Interaction.

I like reading, programming, fixing things, DIY, and history.

I spend time with my wife and my daughter when not playing with my 3D printers and electronic stuff. We read, travel, and cook.

<aside> 💡 We are hiring! Shoot me an email if you are interested in studying at UTokyo. Master/PhD Student in Soft Robotics and Reinforcement Learning (financial support)



Latest Works


Tung D. Ta is an assistant professor in the Department of Creative Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo. His research interests are in the fields of digital fabrication, flexible electronic circuits and soft-bodied robotics. He received his Ph.D. in Information Communication Engineering - The University of Tokyo in 2019, M.E. in 2016, and B.E. from the department of Software Engineering - FPT University in 2012. He is a member of ACM, IEEE, IEICE, IPSJ, and SICE.

Grants & Projects



2024 - 2027: ISPF International Collaboration Awards (UK - Japan), Japan side Principal Investigator

£110,000 (total grant: £200,000)

Bridging Cyber-Physical World: Foundation Models for Soft-bodied Robots Design


2023-2026: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (23H01376), Principal Investigator ¥18,980,000 A Platform for Hierarchical Data-Driven Design, Fabrication, and Control of Modular Soft Robots with Slender Beams for Locomotion and Manipulation



2020-2023: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Early-Career Scientists (20K14690), Principal Investigator ¥3,120,000 Multimode Frictional Anisotropic Skin for Supporting Locomotion of A Snake-like Soft-bodied Robot on Various Frictional Ground Surfaces



2016-2019: Global Creative Leaders Fellowships - The University of Tokyo ¥7,200,000

2013-2016: Panasonic Scholarship - The University of Tokyo ¥6,120,000


2021: Best Full Paper Award - ACM IDC 2021

2018: Best Demo Award - ACM UbiComp 2018

2016: First Prize - SBCloud Hackathon by SoftBank

2013: Champion - Tokyo Start-up Weekend Contest

2013: Panasonic Scholarship

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